Bozeman Endodontics


Endodontists are dental experts who help diagnose tooth pain and specialize in deeper care such as root canal treatment and pain management. Endodontic therapy goes beyond that of a standard dentist, and having those necessary dental procedures is rarely something most people look forward to. Therefore, an inviting space where procedures are performed in a comforting and welcoming area can help ease a patient’s pain and anxiety.


This outdated office needed a refreshing and modernizing makeover. By reorganizing the back offices and reworking the reception area, this remodel made the office more functional for the staff, while also giving it a nice modern spa-like atmosphere for patients.

Our team worked directly with the dental cabinet suppliers to get equipment that would work well for the staff while also staying within budget and on time, so there was a limited loss of income or patient services. The new space now offers a welcoming reception area, x-ray room, three operatory rooms, an equipment sanitation room, a staff break room, and a welcoming reception and waiting area.

Ciera Krinke

At Digital Box Designs we specialize in all things Squarespace web design, and optimize your site through thoughtful and strategic copywriting and search engine optimization.

Ski Lift Home


Big Sky Orthopedic